Legend begins with a budding romance between a Princess Lily and Jack, a forest boy. In their naivety, they cause a gaggle of goblins to capture a unicorn, which, in turn, unleashes an eternal winter upon the world. Now Jack must team up with a rag-tag band of faeries and pixies to defeat the Lord of Darkness, free the unicorn, and rescue Princess Lily...who, in typical fairytale fashion, got herself kidnapped in the process. Naturally, our hero saves the day, wins the heart of the damsel, and vanquishes the bad guy (or does he?).
Trivia: Did you know the director hated the theatrical version of the movie so much he eventually recut it for the DVD release...along with a whole new soundtrack? (BIG mistake here! The original was, and IS, infinitely better!). My advice: Track down the original cut.
Trivia 2: Did you know that this movie is rumored to have inspired the plot of The Legend of Zelda videogame?