Saturday, August 15, 2020

Looking for Alaska (dvd)

Ever since I first learned John Green's novel Looking for Alaska might be made into a movie (this was some 10 or so years ago), I was excited to see how the story would play out on screen. I was curious to see who would be cast as Miles a.k.a. "Pudge" (back then I pictured Michael Cera), The Colonel, Takumi, and, of course Alaska. I wondered what Culver Creek would look like. I was curious how the whole sad saga could be made to fit into 90 or so minutes, what scenes would be cut, if I would even like the film version or if I would be sorry I watched it.

Well...I found out.

After several misfires and even more delays, it was finally decided to make the book into a TV Miniseries. I gotta say, this was absolutely the right decision! The story didn't suffer from essential scenes being cut, as it most definitely would had it been adapted for the Big Screen. What's more, it allowed for better character development...and not only that of main characters. Side characters that only briefly appear in the novel are brought into the spotlight and given their chance to shine (I especially loved Dr. Hyde's story arc. And the Eagle leading a school-wide Macarena was priceless!). Other bits are added too, but I'll let you discover those for yourself. Was everything and everyone like I pictured when I read the book? No. It was better! Infinitely better! I highly recommend it!

A personal observation: Watching the story unfold onscreen, I was Big Time reminded of My So Called Life, a made-for-TV High School drama I loved as a teen that aired for one season (and sadly only one season) back in the mid-90s. And I couldn't help but wonder if Mr. Green was influenced by this show (directly or subconsciously) when he penned Looking For Alaska


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