Monday, September 23, 2019

Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? by Caitlin Doughty

Some books capture the attention with a beautiful cover while others draw the reader with an intriguing plot or perhaps a prestigious award. 

Others catch you (sometimes off-guard) with a title so interesting and/or so shocking that it will haunt your imagination until you give up and read the darn book already. This was the case with Caitlin Doughty's latest.

Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs: Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death is one such book. I mean, LOOK at that title!! Really THINK about it (you know you're thinking about it) and let it reeeeeeally sink in. Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? With a title like this... you KNOW you have to read the book. Like, NOW! Else, that question will plague your life until you get a concrete answer.

I myself know the answer, because I devoured the book (like so many tasty morsels). But I won't give you the satisfaction of a spoiler. Because I'm that kind of librarian. HA!

Doughty is an L.A.-based mortician with her own funeral home, so she is the utmost authority on eyeball-eating pets and other such inquiries. Mostly these questions come from children, who don't seem to have the same death-aversion as do their older counterparts. For kids, the weirder, the grosser, the more bizarre, the better. And the best of the best questions are detailed here, for your morbid curiosity, inside the pages of Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?

This book is definitely NOT for the squeamish. Because it DOES deal in the details of decomposition. So perhaps not the best choice for mealtime reading either. But it is extremely interesting and comes highly recommended.


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