Monday, April 22, 2013

Poetry Month Activities

There's still time to participate in one of our many National Poetry Month activities: 

Browse our collection, pull some titles that sound good together, and create a Book Spine Poem.

Want something you can point to and say, "I did that"? Stop by any of the reference desks and ask about Black Out Poetry. That is, we give you a stack of old books. From that, you take out a page at random (or read through and find one you like) and words on that page to create something with an entirely new meaning! Want some examples? There are several on display in the Teen Area. 

Or, if you want something easy, simply recite a poem to library staff. This is Poem In Your Pocket. It doesn't have to be a long poem (although, if you want to memorize an entire Shakespearean play, we're fine with that!). It can even be an original poem you penned yourself!

Each activity will earn you an entry for our Poetry Month prize drawing April 30.

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