Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Teen Reviewer:

Teen reviewer Olivia, 14, recently read The Warrior's Heart: Becoming a Man of Conpassion and Courage, by Eric Grietens and loved it. Here is her review:

In this book, Eric shares his life and the courage needed to become a Navy Seal. He writes with just the right amount of detail to where you feel you are actually with him. Through his hardships and battles, Eric encourages the reader to become their own person and live to be someone you're proud of. He really paints a picture of how important and influential volunteering is. Putting yourself before others is a great attribute to have, and Eric displayed that perfectly. Throughout the book, Eric becomes an amatuer boxer, visits refugee camps, and endures the world's most difficult military training to become a Navy Seal. This book has been adapted for teens, which I think was an excellent choice. Just because a memoir may seem too crude or violent doesn't mean we shouldn't know the truth. There were countless lessons in this book, which teens need to learn. Bravery, commitment, honesty, humility, integrity, just to name a few. Upon returning home from war, many soldiers cannot express their experience. It took an immense amount of courage for Eric to write about some very difficult experiences, and I thank him for doing so.

Olivia feels this books is most appropriate for teens age 13-15. She picked it up because of other reviews she read, and would not hesitate to recommend it to someone else.

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