Friday, July 15, 2016

The Unofficial Guide to Crafting the World of Harry Potter, by Jamie Harrington

You don't have to be a Pure Blood Wizard-or even a Half-Blood Wizard-to appreciate the magical magic of the world of Harry Potter. In fact, I know Squibs and Muggles (non-magical people, in layman's terms) who are into it even more than the magical sort. Of course for magical people all that is commonplace.

But I digress...

Now you too can own items that, previously, could only be purchaed in Diagon Ally (or maybe even bartered for in the dark shadows of Knockturn Ally): A vial of Polyjuice Potion... A pet Nargle... A Monster Book of Monsters (fangs and all)... A mini Mirror of Erised... Even your very own Sorcerer's Stone (Philosopher's stone for those "across the pond"). How is this possible, you ask? Crafting of course!

For the creative HP fangirls-and-boys (and just fans) out there, I present for your ultimate enjoyment: The Unofficial Guide to Crafting the World of Harry Potter. Sure to appeal to the crafter and Potter fan alike. Now found on our New Book long as it's not already checked out, that is.

And for the non-crfters: This is a fun read...even if you're just browsing.

As for me...I'm just super stoked that I can finally (Finally!) get that tie-dye shirt in my House Colors (green & silver*) that I've always wanted. --AJB

*That's Slytherin, NOT Michigan State (Sorry, Spartans...I know I may look like I'm flaunting green and white, but I'm not. No offence)

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