Friday, September 19, 2014

Island of Misfit Books

From time to time, staff from each of the three library departments must go (book by book) through their collections and "weed" out those books that are either outdated or haven't checked out in a long time (usually a couple years). This is a necessary thing so we can make room for new books & other materials.

In Teen, we just completed this task... and we have amassed a sizable stack of "weeded" books. But rather than just chuck them into the discard pile, we're giving them a second (last?) chance through our Island of Misfit Books Display, which we have set up near the Teen Desk. We hope that by singling these books out in this way they'll get noticed by YOU--those who visit our little corner of the library--and maybe, just maybe, get checked out. 

Books on the Island of Misfit Books display will be rotated weekly, and those that haven't gone out will be "weeded" and sent to that place where all unwanted and unloved books go where no one wants to read them anymore (so sad!). So would you, could you... Won't you please rescue a Misfit Book today? They're all great books--we promise!

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